Kategorie: Probleme International Studierender

  • Probleme Internationaler Studierender

    I have been in Germany for 2 years and it is my 4th place to live. I had to find a new place every 3-4 months. I paid up to 20,000 euros for the house in two years. I missed my first semester here because of accommodation. I applied a hundred times for a place…

  • Probleme Internationaler Studierender

    It would be better if the process of how the Studentenwerk allocates rooms in the dormitory would be more transparent. I registered for a room as an international student for the winter semester of 2023/2024 back in February and I have to this day never heard back from them. I think they could improve their…

  • Probleme Internationaler Studierender

    One Tip I have is to create a (private) Facebook group every semester for outgoing and incoming Erasmus students (and communicate this to all Erasmus students!!!). Outgoing Erasmus students from the Uni Potsdam are looking to subrent their room for 1 semester, wheras incoming Erasmus students are looking to rent a room for 1 semester.…

  • Probleme Internationaler Studierender

    Ich würde mir wünschen, dass Universitäten als Institutionen, für die so viele junge Menschen in Städte ziehen, mehr Druck auf die Politik auslösen würden. Es ist sehr schade, dass z.B. internationale Studenten ihre Auslandssemester hier doch nicht antreten können, da sie einfach keine Wohnung finden. Ich habe selbst an einem Auslandssemester teilgenommen und dort wurde…

  • Probleme Internationaler Studierender

    The search for accommodation was exhausting and discriminatory. After a few interviews with flatmates, I wondered if my ethnicity had anything to do with the rejection I received. In one funny case, a woman who was temporarily renting out her son’s room told me that it wouldn’t work between us because our zodiac signs didn’t…

  • Probleme International Studierender

    Da ich aus dem EU-Ausland komme war es für mich bei der Wohnungssuche schwierig glaubwürdig bei Vermietern rüber zu kommen, da ich keine Schufa oder Ähnliches vorweisen konnte. Im Endeffekt musste ich mich dann mit einer Wohnung zufrieden geben wo der Preis knapp noch in meinem Budget war und definitiv zu hoch für das was…

  • Probleme International Studierender

    It’s extremely difficult for international students to find a room to live in, especially for those who are the first time to live in Potsdam. Resources are so limited to be accessed. For example, I nearly found it was impossible to see rooms posted on renting platforms (or I would say, yes, there were some…

  • Probleme International Studierender

    I arrived in Potsdam during the COVID-19 pandemy. It was very difficult to find an accommodation as a foreigner but it was even harder due to the health situation. Some examples of difficulties were that I could not visit any accommodation in person (my country had imposed a strict lockdown and I could not travel…

  • Probleme International Studierender

    It feels like it’s harder to find a room than a job. Looking for an apartment is at least like a part-time, if not a full-time job. On the days spent searching, there is no energy or time left to study or work.  With my current living situation, it takes me 1,5 hours to go…

  • Probleme International Studierender

    Paying 700€ for a 12m2, where I can’t even use the whole cupboards because the owner didn’t want to empty them. Very difficult to get into student housing. Especially for International students like me. Coming from Namibia, I’ve been rejected a few times from potential shared housing, because the people were unsure if I would…